Sermon on the Mount

1/27/2024 - 11/24/2024

The Sermon on the mount- Book of Matthew

In This Series

  1. Sermon on the Mount
  2. The Beatitudes
  3. Blessed are the Meek
  4. Mourn and be Comforted
  5. The Hungrier The Happier
  6. Blessed are the Merciful
  7. Blessed are the Pure in Heart
  8. Peacemaker/Persecuted
  9. Rejoicing in Tribulation
  10. Salt and Light
  11. Christ & the OT
  12. The Letter and the Spirit
  13. Crucifying Self
  14. Who is an Adulterer?
  15. Celebrate Family
  16. False Truth
  17. When Rights are Wrong
  18. Perfect Love Part 1
  19. Perfect Love Part 2
  20. Perfect Love: Part 3
  21. Incognito Righteousness
  22. Ignorant Hands, Secret Rewards
  23. Kingdom Prayer - Part 1
  24. Pointed Prayer - Part 2
  25. Kingdom Prayer - Part 3: "God's Glory
  26. Kingdom Prayer - Part 4
  27. Kingdom Prayer - Part 5
  28. Kingdom Prayer Part 6
  29. Solving the Mystery of Fasting
  30. Two Treasures, Two Eyes, and Two Masters
  31. Fat Birds & Well Dressed Daisies
  32. Seek the Kingdom and Fight for Faith
  33. Invisible Logs & Mean Pets
  34. Loving Others Pt 2 A.S.K.
  35. Choose a Path
  36. Choose the Right Prophet
  37. Choose the Wise Foundation