
Jamie Self - 11/5/2023

Jamie's sermon emphasizes the Christian directive of making disciples through going, baptizing, and teaching, following the command of Jesus as stated in the Bible. He uses a metaphor of painting a picture, inspired by Bob Ross, to illustrate the concept of gradually building and developing the journey of disciple-making. He explains baptism not merely as a physical act but a symbolic gesture that dramatizes an invisible, internal commitment and change, marking an entry into a new community and identity within the church. The act of baptism is also portrayed as a sign of participating in the death and resurrection of Christ and a forward-looking seal towards a future in a new creation. The discourse also delves into the notion of a shared community in the church, illustrating that authority and mission in making disciples are exercised collectively rather than individually. Ultimately, discipleship, according to the sermon, is about embodying and perpetuating the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, acting together as a church in a shared mission and relationship with the divine.
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